Friday, July 25, 2014

Sittin' Pretty: The New View From Our Toilet

Before Mr. W and I left on our vacation to Alaska, we had vacationers at our house—his wonderful sister, brother-in-law, and nieces came to town from St. Louis. Their visit was great for a number of reasons. We always have a good time and lots of laughs with them, we haven't seen them in far too long, and, lastly, it forced us to finish the majority of our bathroom renovations. The caulk in the shower was still drying when they arrived, but the next day they got to be the first ones to christen the swanky new tub and tile. They said the water pressure was glorious.

Since getting back into town last week, Mr. W has been working his tooshie off on the vanity, so that post will be coming shortly. It looks so slick. He has mad skills with wood veneer.

For those of you who need a refresher on what the "seahorse bathroom" looked like, here's a little before and after comparison:

We still have some work to do to get it to official "done" status and, heartbreakingly, we discovered that one of the glass tiles in the shower cracked sometime last night or early this morning, so Mr. W will have to replace it at some point in the future. But we both think it looks worlds better than it did before. Kinda makes me want to eat my dinner sitting on the pot and sleep in the shiny white bathtub.


  1. Replies
    1. Would you believe we bought the floor tile at Costco!?

  2. Thank you to my brother in law and sister in law for the most wonderful amenities. The Russo ' s traveled nearly 700 miles during our California vacation. Casa De Maris provided us with beautiful views, excellent food and great company. By the way, the bathroom and shower water pressure were divine. Any family or friends travelling to Santa Ynez, book your trip in advance, I believe Casa De Maris will be booked months in advance.

    1. Tony, you crack me up. We'll keep the water pressure good for your next trip. Come back anytime!


Well, whatdya think?