Monday, August 6, 2012

A Pictorial Recap of the Non-Wonderful That Happens in These Parts

I just wrote a post over at The Path to Wonderful about gratitude and my new outlook on being thankful for EVERYTHING in my life. But I thought I'd expose a little more of the story over here because the pictures are kind of entertaining.

In addition to having a pile of furniture in our living room for the last 3 months (that we will now keep there until we know for certain whether we'll close escrow on the house we put an offer on in Santa Ynez), our backyard is in probably the worst disarray I've ever seen.

And those are the nice pictures of it. There are tools, empty plant containers, dirt and rocks pretty much strewn across every surface back there.

Our kitchen has also been the victim of chaos. First there was the dishwasher, which fortunately Mr. W was able to repair when it stopped functioning....

And then there was the washing machine. I've never seen Mr. W as dirty and greasy as he was the day he worked on replacing the bearings and a corroded spider bracket.

Despite the wonderfulness of the picture above, it wasn't enough—we had to buy a new washer on Sunday. And now that everything is somewhat calm around here, I'm vowing to praise the appliances, the pipes, the walls, the roof. I'm going to try to radiate gratitude so that nothing else falls apart around here before we move!


  1. I am convinced appliances talk, especially before they die. They all bail at once. Jerks.
    But I'm so excited for you guys and the new house! All the chaos in between will be just a memory soon. :)

    1. Haha I think the chaos is only just beginning! Wait until we start remodeling stuff!

  2. Nice feet Mr. W - I believe I gave you a pack of washcloths for them - looks like you needed them!

    1. His feet were cleaner than the rest of him. I've never seen him so dirty. He looked like a homeless person.

  3. Yes, Mom, I'll go wash my feet.

  4. I didn't realize you put an offer in on that house! OMG SOOOO EXCITED! Fingers crossed!
    It's nice that Mr. W can fix stuff. We just hire someone. It might save our relationship but it costs our bank account. ;-)

  5. Congrats on putting an offer on the new house! And WOW that's a lotta work to do, but you two are pretty industrious :)


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